The Advisory Board of the Swiss Student Union is a non-partisan group consisting of representatives from various regions of Switzerland. The main aim of the advisory board is to network education with politics and to strengthen education policy concerns at a national level.
The aim is also to ensure that all parties represented in the Federal Assembly are represented. The members of the Advisory Board benefit first-hand from the education policy assessments and expertise of the union and its 140’000 members. In their role, the members of the Advisory Board also show students that politicians are receptive to the concerns of the younger generation. This structure ultimately enables the politicians represented on the Advisory Board to gain a broad perspective on the needs and challenges of students in Switzerland and to respond accordingly.

Katja Christ
National Councillor, GLP

Fabien Fivaz
National Councillor, Grüne

Bettina Balmer
National Councillor, FDP

Regina Durrer
National Councillor, Die Mitte

Flavia Wasserfallen
Member of the Council of States, SP

Benjamin Fischer
National Councillor, SVP

Adolf Ogi
former Federal Councillor, SVP
The Advisory Board was set up in 2024 by the following people:
- Shasime Osmani, former member of the VSS UNES USU executive comitee
- Gazmendi Noli, former member of the VSS UNES USU executive comitee
- Luzian Franzini, Co-General Secretary VSS UNES USU