
Der Verband der Schweizer Studierendenschaften wird dem Komitee der Europa-Initiative beitreten!

Am 7. und 8. Mai 2022 fand die 178.Delegiertenversammlung des Verbands der Schweizer Studierendenschaften (VSS) In Brugg-Windisch bei den students.fhnw statt. Die Delegierten haben beschlossen, ...

VSS-UNES-USU and UAS launch the crowdfunding campaign “Housing for resettled Ukrainian students”

Due to the flight movements from and within Ukraine, most student dormitories in safe areas are overcrowded and housing prices have risen massively. In order ...

Statement on the war in Ukraine

The Swiss Student Union (VSS-UNES-USU) stands with Ukrainian students and the Ukrainian Association of Students in these dire times. We are appalled by the unfolding ...

June 19th, 1920 – June 19th, 2020

The Swiss Student Union celebrates its birthday!

[:de]Flüchtlinge an die Schweizer Hochschulen[:fr]Réfugiés dans les universités suisses


Yes to the Grant Initiative – Students: Indirect Counter-Proposal not Satisfying

Press release of VSS-UNES-USU from the 14.12.2014Today, the General Assembly of the Swiss Students’ Union VSS-UNES-USU decided, without opposition, to not withdraw its Grant Initiative. ...