
Lea Meister Elected Member of ESU’s Executive Committee

Press release of VSS-UNES-USU, 03.05.2014 Yesterday night, the Board of the European Students’ Union ESU elected VSS-UNES-USU’s EC member Lea Meister to its own EC. ...

Erasmus+: The Intention is Good, but Still a Long Way to Go

Press Release, 16th of April 2014 Today’s decision of the Swiss Federal Council regarding the financing of the Swiss participation in the Erasmus+ student exchange ...

[:de] : Übergabe des Appells für einen offenen europäischen Hochschulraum[:fr] : Remise de l’Appel pour un espace européen des hautes écoles ouvert


ESU : Swiss immigration cap should exclude students

Press Release BERN – The European Students’ Union (ESU) fears that a recent referendum in Switzerland may have serious consequences for the education system. ESU ...

ESU demands not to isolate Swiss students

The European Students’ Union ESU expresses its concern about the possible termination of the bilateral treatises. Elisabeth Gehrke, Vice Chairperson of ESU, says: “We are ...

VSS-UNES-USU stands in solidarity with students in Ukraine

Two weeks have passed since peaceful protesters at Kyiv EuroMaidan were attacked by the special police department “Berkut” during the nights of 29 November to ...