Erasmus+: The Intention is Good, but Still a Long Way to Go

Press Release, 16th of April 2014 Today’s decision of the Swiss Federal Council regarding the financing of the Swiss participation in the Erasmus+ student exchange programme pleases the Swiss students’ union VSS-UNES-USU. Negociations concerning a full Swiss participation are suspended after the referendum on mass migration from February 2014. Switzerland has to fully finance its […]

ESU : Swiss immigration cap should exclude students

Press Release BERN – The European Students’ Union (ESU) fears that a recent referendum in Switzerland may have serious consequences for the education system. ESU fully supports the claims that have been made by the national union of students in Switzerland (VSS-UNES-USU). Together, these two organisations demand for education and research to be protected from […]

ESU demands not to isolate Swiss students

The European Students’ Union ESU expresses its concern about the possible termination of the bilateral treatises. Elisabeth Gehrke, Vice Chairperson of ESU, says: “We are deeply concerned by the outcome of the Swiss referendum. We fear it will have immense adverse effects on the Swiss educational system as the decision goes against the very foundation […]

VSS-UNES-USU stands in solidarity with students in Ukraine

Two weeks have passed since peaceful protesters at Kyiv EuroMaidan were attacked by the special police department “Berkut” during the nights of 29 November to 30 November 2013. However, the government and prosecutor’s office of Ukraine have not performed any actions in order to identify and bring to the court the ones responsible for attacking […]

Pour une politique durable de la formation

Dans son communiqué de presse du 1er octobre 2013, l’OFS a présenté ses nouveaux scénarios concernant tous les niveaux de formation. Concernant le niveau tertiaire, si l’OFS prédit une hausse marquée des étudiant-e-s dans les hautes écoles spécialisées, il prévoit un recul modéré du nombre d’étudiant-e-s dans les hautes écoles universitaires, dû en partie à […]

ESU against raising tuition fees for foreign students in Switzerland

The European Students Union decieded to support VSS-UNES-UNU in its fight against tuiton fees by adopting the following resolution: “The Social Democrat Party of Switzerland put forward a motion in March requesting that students studying at the Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne would have to pay between two and three thousand Euros […]